Monday, December 5, 2011

Don't Give Up, Don't Ever Give Up

I am no televangelist and I don't want this blog to turn into anything nearing "preachy", but it is that time of year....

Anyway, not all of my readers are sports fans and many may have never seen this.  But, on so many levels, it really is that good. 

Thanks Matt D for reminding me!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanks Giving

Yesterday I donated a little to some charities that are important to me.  I'm not saying this for praise or recognition, but rather because it brought up some questions...

For one, let's just say I donated to a non-profit whose mission is research, and proposedly development of a cure, vaccine, or at least a medical protocol to increase standard of living or life expectancy.  My question is then, what if they find a cure or vaccine or a medical protocol?  Who pays for the treatments?  Notice that this not a drug company and as a non-profit it isn't meant to make, well, profit, but of course there are costs incurred beyond the R&D...  So, what happens if one of these companies is ultimately "successful"?  Who overseas the use of donor funds or how the treatments are administered?

And, not-for-profit doesn't mean that a company doesn't make money.  It still has employees and management and executives who need to be compensated.  So, isn't this a dilemma?  If a companies mission is to develop a cure for something and it achieves this mission doesn't it put itself out of business?  Isn't this about as clear a conflict of interest as anything has ever been? 

I write this with hesitation.  I certainly hope people donate to causes they believe in and I don't mean to shine unfavorable light on any organization which is out to do good.  Rather, I'm simply looking to ask the right questions. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Everything

The "Occupy Wall Street" movement has spread... Several states and major cities have taken to the cause.  Problem is, most have no idea what this cause is and almost everyone has their own agenda.  I've heard reasons for the movement ranging from "the top 1% need to pay their share" to "I need my student loans forgiven" to "hey, everyone else is doing it".

I am amongst the first to criticize the government.  If you read this blog, you know that.  However, when doing so there must be some sensibilities taken into account.  Can a government simply "forgive" student loan debt?  For many reasons this is infeasible. So to ask demeans the more reasonable "requests".. And, regardless, this is such a myopic issue... as is the concept that the top 1% need to "pay their share."

Again, I have my issues with the government and I'm all in favor of getting on a soapbox (see this blog), but what is this movement saying?  What's the true message you're trying to get across?  What's the end goal?  And please, please, please don't tell me "we want to be heard" or "we want to let the government know we're not happy"... You have your forum.. what do you want the government to hear?  What are you not happy about (be specific and for the love of god prioritize!)?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Interesting Read

I found this to be quite an interesting read.  What I wonder about most, however, is what happened to the residents who were displaced under the guise of "public use".  And will they be able to afford this use this "public" property? 

I'm pretty sure I've already blogged about the sham that is tax-payers paying for stadiums that they can't afford to go to, and now we have people being forced out of their homes for stadiums that they can't afford to go to?  Wow.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I imagine most of my readers have heard of the struggle of the United States Postal Service.  I imagine that most have heard reports that USPS services are going to be reduced and possibly even eliminated altogether.  I just wanted to take a minute and tell you that this is not something that should be taken lightly.  I don't have statistics (though I'm sure you can find them easy enough online), but believe me when I say that we NEED the USPS. 

I know that in these times of online billpay and paypal the envelope and stamp is nearing obsolescense, but what about birthday cards, wedding invitations, seasons greetings?  Believe me, FedEx and UPS would love to deliver your letters, but that's not cheap now and would only become more expensive without USPS competition.  And let's not forget FlatRate boxes for our Ebay and Amazon sellers.

Finally, consider the unemployment situation in this country.  Does anyone reading this think we need more people jobless?  

I could end this post with a call to action: stop paying your bills online, but I know that's unrealistic.  Instead I will just ask you all to at least follow this situation.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yellowcard - Believe

There is so much to say today and yet I can't seem to say any of it as eloquently as I think is necessary.  For this I apologize.  Still, I write.

10 years ago I was a freshman in college.  Barely.  I hadn't been away from home for much more than a few weeks.  I hadn't even adjusted to my new class schedule or getting up in time for my 9am class.  Most days I slept through my alarm and found myself rushing out of bed, slipping on my rollerblades (class was a good 25 minute walk and I take pride in how quick I could run up 4 flights of stairs in my skates) and speeding to class still in my pajamas - never turning on the TV.  For some reason, on September 11, 2001 my alarm actually did it's job.  But instead of the Sportscenter that morning you all know what was on the television. 

And while most of the world watched for hours stunned and unable to look away I spent those hours on my dorm room phone (I didn't yet own a cell phone) trying to reach my mother.  My mother who worked just a few blocks from the Twin Towers.  To this day few things infuriate me more than the automated words "all circuits are busy, please try again".  After racking up quite an expensive phone bill (dorm room calls were like $0.10 per minute) I learned that my mother had been picked up by an amazing cab driver and had walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and though shaken, she was OK.  The day after 9/11 I got my first cell phone.  And it wasn't long after that my mother quit her job in the city.  And to this day she won't take the subway. 

Anyway, that's my story.  But today I think of those who didn't make it home.  I think of the bravery of the "Heroes of 9/11" and the kindness of strangers towards one another.  I think of those who've lost their lives in the ongoing fight to keep this country and the world a safer place.  I think of those families who've endured the loss of loved ones throughout it all. 

I can't believe it's been 10 years.  It feels like a lifetime ago.  I can't believe it's been 10 years.  It still hasn't ended.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Church and State

Please note that I have no biases against any religion.  I will openly admit that I don't agree with organized religion, but my belief in G-d really depends on the day.

I wanted to make sure that is documented before I get into this post. 

I currently live in the South... Borderline "Bible Belt" territory.  Recently there has been news about prayers in school - specifically about public schools using the PA systems for pre-game prayers at football games.  I wanted to take a minute to make something very clear.  The separation of Church and State is one of the fundamental ideals of our constitution and society.  Unless every child in said school is of the same religious background (or pays to go to a private school knowing full well that the school has prayers) this is not even a debate.  There should be NO school prayers.  No child should be forcefully alienated by principles, teachers, coaches, parents or other students for any reason - particularly religion.  On the news today I saw a lady explain how forcing the school to stop public prayers was limiting the right of religious freedom.  On the contrary the prayers are forcing religion on others.  No one is saying students and parents can't pray before games.  They are simply saying that it should not be a school function or forced upon anyone else. 

On a similar note do you know how you can tell when you've entered the "Bible Belt"?  When the ludicrous number of churches is only rivaled by the ridiculous number of "adult" stores.  Really I know this might come off as funny or condescending, but it's completely true.  And just kind of sad!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quick Note

Obviously the Financial "Crisis" has been the major topic on the news and around the world.  I don't have the time or patience to go into this too much right now, but here's just a quick note.

-If you want to help the economy then stop buying stuff online.  Go into the stores.  Sure it might cost a little more and maybe it's slightly less convenient, but it also keeps people employed.  Keep this in mind: as we become more technologically advanced humans become less valuable.  I don't believe robots will take over the world, but they'll put us all out of business.. and when that happens I don't want to speculate what will happen to society.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Abort, Abort

This fits in with my current theme of griping on our government...

Beyond making abortion illegal, how many more restrictions can you put on it?  Seriously, I'm asking.. it's either legal or it's not.  For F's sake... I don't care what political party you support and I don't care about your thoughts on abortion.  Really, I don't.  Bottom line is that this country has many, many more important issues to worry about.

And on a related note... When the church stops molesting little boys I'll take their pro-life stance just a little more seriously...

Thanks Emmylee for sharing.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Netflix Wins!

By now everyone knows that Netflix is upping their price.  It's been on the news and all over Facebook.  Outrage seems everywhere.  I have 3 points to make on this issue:

1 - Netflix has been talking for some time now about getting everyone onto their streaming service.  They do not like supporting the DVD service.  It is not cost effective for them (from buying rights to the newest movies to the shipping costs, etc. the larger the service grows the more of a losing proposition it becomes).   To everyone that thinks they are somehow "sticking it" to Netflix by canceling the DVD portion of their service, I'm sorry to say you are playing right into their hands... (I still think it makes sense to cancel the DVD portion, but that's personal opinion).

2 - Does Netflix plan to do anything about it's lack of quality streaming options?  I can't tell you how many times I try to find movies/tv shows on streaming that are only available via DVD.

3 - Throughout history it has been illegal to undercut a business to drive them out and then exorbitantly raise your rates.  Isn't this basically what Netflix has done with Blockbuster?  I'm not claiming them a monopoly and I understand why the government would let them get away with this, but shouldn't someone at least ask the question?  Especially as the governments go out of their way to look out for companies such as Netflix with their anti-piracy laws?  Again, I just wonder if the government is focusing on protecting the right people...   

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Checks and Balances... Or Mostly Just Checks

Ok.. Here's another political rant. I know I said I hate politics and I do, but I hate the feeling that I'm being screwed more.  And every day I see the government screwing the average person.

I think every 235 years it's time for us to look at our government and our laws and our regulations and our taxes and our representation and see what's still relevant; what makes sense.  Seriously, the government was written "for the people by the people" but has clearly become "run by the rich for the rich" or more specifically "run for the wealthy, powered with money from the poor".  And let me clarify immediately, "rich" does not necessarily refer to private individuals (though in some cases it does - CEO's getting $500 million a year qualify), but more it refers to companies and industries and lobbyists who care not about the average person, but their special interest.

Below I'm going to gripe about some issues I have, but these are just a few... Chime in with what irritates you or how I'm an idiot, or whatever you've got to say..

- I've already taken a shot at the RIAA in this blog ( but every day we hear a new way in which the government is trying to protect the arts or internet businesses.  I am of course against Piracy and as a business person myself, I fully support people making money for their talents.  I do however believe the "market" or economy should be allowed to self-regulate.  In all truth, for a long time music has been in a bubble - similar to the housing market.  Record labels demand $15 for a CD where they know likely only 2 or 3 songs will become "popular" and charge ticket prices at concerts upwards of $200 a seat.  If the market is resorting to piracy perhaps the industry is the one doing something wrong?  Sure, piracy threatens the future of the digital arts.  I don't argue for a second that if musicians can't get paid it may limit the number of future musicians, but no one stopped the creation of posters which hurt painters.  And in truth, if musicians stop making music eventually people will yearn for new music and the industy will be reborn.  Perhaps its time the government stopped helping to hold up this bubble and let it pop?

- Why do tax dollars go to pay for stadiums and arenas run by private franchises?  I love sports - pretty much more than anything else- but I can't afford to go to the games.  Why do my tax dollars fund those stadiums?  I know the government and teams will tell me the stadium brings in lots of revenue to the state, but not if the NFL/NBA has a lock-out!  How can my tax dollars go to building stadiums and then still teams are allowed to sell seat licenses - which mean absolutely nothing (in fact you can't even customize your seat [ie sell ad space] even though you have the license)?

- I've griped on here many times about speed limits (, but this is my biggest issue.  Speeding is not a crime.  It is something the average person does every time they get in their car.  Speed limits were originally created to protect people, but now they are simply a form of taxation (without representation) and it needs to stop.  At the very least the governments need to realize and acknowledge that most speed limits were decided before cars had anti-lock breaks and clearly aren't realistic anymore.  And to further prove my point:  the fact that you can be giving a ticket via a camera and a picture mailed to your home proves the lack of severity of the issue.

- Why don't we let common sense rule the day?  Why does shit need to be written down to be official?  Piracy is wrong.  We can go ahead and create laws that say so.  But why do we allow the RIAA or other parties take advantage?  Why do we allow them to charge $20,000 in damages per song (as in the above post)?  Why do we allow them to go after people who do stupid things on YouTube, but happen to have the song in the background?

- Why do we let people sue McDonald's because the coffee is too hot?  Causing all future coffee to be just luke warm?

- Why do we think laying off teachers is a good idea?  Have we learned nothing about the value of education?  Have we forgotten that children are our future?

I'm not just a complainer though... I'm also a problem solver and I've got some suggestions...

- We have tons of unemployment, but we're looking for ways to stimulate the economy, hmmm... How about creating jobs?  More specifically, how about hiring some of the overabundant supply of lawyers to review all the above things (and the thousands of others) and actually fix the system?  How about hiring civil engineers to review all of the speed limits and adjust them for today's automobile technology?  How about just keeping our (good) teachers employed?

I know, I know, someone is going to ask where we are going to get the money for all of that.  I've got ideas for that too..  1 - see my last post.  Let's use campaign contribution money.  2 - Take it from our overpaid and underperforming Congressmen/women and Senators and Members of the House who are so busy bickering and trying to screw each other to actually consider their citizens.  3 - Take it out of the travel and leisure and lunch budget of the aforementioned groups.  Afterall, do they really need catered lunches every day? and meetings in Hawaii (I'm looking at you former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele)? 

Government Vs. Politics

I apologize up front because I know my readers don't necessarily come here to get all political, but this is where my head is at currently and the next few blog posts will reflect that.  In truth, these are the only things that seem blog worthy lately (I'm always open to topic suggestions).  It also probably has a little to do with the fact that my current cubicle is also the mail room and I have been perusing USA Today every morning...

That all said, I'm going to just mention this quickly..

According to said USA Today Obama has already raised $86 million for his re-election campaing - putting him above his pace of 2008 (where he ultimalte raised nearly $750 million). 
So, to recap, during one of the worst economic times ever Obama is raking in record high campaign contributions. 

1 - What is he doing so well that people want to shower him with money?   For all the "Change" he spoke of, nothing's really changed... For all the promise he had when elected, the economy has only continued to slide (and no I don't necessarily blame him for any of that). 

2 - What the hell is wrong with the system when one person can raise, what is projected to be, over $750 million, but he can't find any money to support his own government programs or reduce our national debt?

3 - Obama, I'll throw this out there.  You want my vote?  Don't campaign!  Put that $750 million into reducing the debt or into financing any one of your positive initiatives.  Show me you're actually about governing rather than politicking and I will give you my vote.  And I will praise you loudly all the while.  After all, I'm not interested in a politicians running my country.  I'm looking for a President.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Party Poopers

I hate talking politics.  Mostly because I'm not as educated in this particular field as I probably should be (the naunces bore me), but also because political parties and leanings make no damn sense.  Why does being a Republican mean that you have to be for limiting government AND anti-abortion?  Why does being a Democrat mean you have to be for taxing the rich AND national healthcare?  These 2 set parties with their set ideals artificially create political robots and do-nothing governments.  And it just annoys me to no end.  Even Obama and his "Change" campaign hasn't really changed anything.  

Anyway, now that I've told you why I hate talking politics (which in summary is because I hate politics!), let me go ahead and talk politics...

How the hell do governments just shut down?  Governments who continue to collect taxes while they take what amounts to a vacation - somehow I doubt that come April taxes will be prorated for these "days off".  And how do governments justify closing public zoos, parks and libraries during a major National Holiday?  A time when the zoo probably brings in it's highest yearly revenue?  How is this nonsense allowed to happen?  Because the 2 parties and their petty differences can't unite on a budget?  Here's an idea.  Focus on the important stuff (and maybe the revenue generating stuff - like the zoo on a holiday weekend) and stop being just a punchline...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Locked Out! Thrown Out?

Here's a quick question...

If the NBA has a lock-out, do all of the foreign players who are in the country on work visas get the boot? 

I know if there is a lock-out a good number of players will head overseas anyhow, but I thought this was an interesting question.. and obviously it's not as valid in the case of an NFL lock-out. 

Monday, June 6, 2011


The best part of The New Yorker magazine is without a doubt the comics (or cartoons if you will).  This one really struck me..

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Education on Education

I just finished semester #2 of my MBA program.. In fact just a week ago I handed in final papers and took final exams.  3 days later I had final grades never having actually seen the grades on those final papers and tests.

Doesn't anyone else see a problem with this system? 

As a student why does our learning stop when we hand in the final paper or final project?  Shouldn't it stop after we get feedback on said paper or test?  After a teacher can assess our strengths and weaknesses and relay them to us so we can actually learn?

For example: Though not necessarily the case in high school or even undergrad, I'm seeing that most of grad school is about these long-term (semester length) projects.  Thing is we spend 3+ months working on these projects (presumably learning in class along the way) and after we turn it in we NEVER get any actual feedback.  Never learn what we did excellent and what we should avoid in our future work. 

I'm not questioning the value of standardized tests (though I'm sure I could) and I'm not questioning the value of the papers/projects/assignments, BUT without that feedback school becomes even more clearly about grades and not education. 

*Honestly I question whether professors even read those final papers when the turnaround for them to submit grades is so short.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quote of the Day

"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on."  ~ Tupac

Monday, April 25, 2011

Plastic in the Pacific

I have a smart, well-educated and socially aware audience so this is probably nothing you aren't already aware of, but yet, I thought it worth sharing.

Thanks Belle P. for sharing with me!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Counting Crows - If I Could Give All My Love

You've heard this song hundreds of times before and it's a good song, but then one day you hear it and it just clicks.  There's no explanation.  No deep meaning.  But, suddenly it's on repeat and finds its way onto various playlist and becomes the song you sing in the shower...

I am proud to present Counting Crows - If I Could Give All My Love.

PS.  I live in the south now, but this is as CLOSE to country as I get... or will ever get!

PPS. Adam Duritz is one of my hereos. 

PPPS.  Counting Crows, Live and Collective Soul was one of the best concerts I've ever been to.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Get A Psychic

I can only assume that it's a national commercial, but have you all seen the commercial for "California Psychics"?

If you haven't, check this out...

Now, I admittedly don't believe in Psychics, but hey, I do believe in aliens, so who am I to judge... But seriously..... I also know my readers are smart, but sadly there are people dumb enough to buy into this.... And I'd just like to take a minute and maybe stop just 1 person from getting scammed...

When they say "our psychics are most powerful from home" this is code for "we will Google you or get your personal information from any number of places while we sit on our computers at home and pretend to be reading your aura."  When they say we "guarantee every call" they mean "we guarantee to answer every call and probably tell you information that will make you happy because we know you won't call back if we give you bad news".

Maybe all psychics are not complete BS artists..  But just as phone sex workers aren't actually having sex with you, phone psychics are also definitely not reading your future...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What? So What? Now What?

We had a guest speaker in class the other day.. We have them all the time and let's be honest.. Usually they don't do much for my personal or professional growth.  It's great that they take the time to speak to us, but with no real goals for their talk it usually amounts to a 2 hour autobiography or a diatribe about their company.  But every once in a while I walk away a little better off. 

A few months ago I learned about P.I.E.  (Performance, Image, Exposure).  Though not ground breaking insight it was interesting to hear it put so succintly and powerfully.

Here are the three P.I.E. elements weighted by importance:

Performance = 10%
Image = 30%
Exposure = 60%

If you're interested in learning more I just Googled it and this was one of the first sites to pop-up.

But, this post is not about that.  Honestly on its own that wasn't blog worthy.  Rather, this post is about "What?  So What?  Now What?"

If you Google this term you'll get all types of different studies, uses, etc.  But I want to run with it the way I heard (even if I didn't hear it as it was told, but as I wanted to) it..

Though obviously we were talking about business, I found this a really great concept in general.  Something that can be applied to everything (or almost everything)...

These 3 questions put together can really give perspective.

What? - What is the goal?  What is the want?  The need? 
So What? - What if you get the goal?  The want?  The need?  Does anything really change?  Was that what you were really searching for?  Was it just a step towards another what?
Now What? - You've got it.  Can you handle it?  Is it enough?  Does it do what it was intended to do?

In business terms I think it's fairly simple.  In life though, maybe not?

Let's look at buying a fancy new car (perhaps a Mustang!)..

What? - Buying a Mustang.
So What? - Does it make you happy?  Do the ladies love it like you thought they would? 
Now What? - Can you afford gas on your 19mpg car?  The car insurance?  The repairs?

I know this is simplistic, but this is only a blog and I know if I ramble too long you'll probably just get bored and go onto the next website on your list.  (Some of you probably already have! ha).  Think about it though.  If you've got questions or thoughts, you know how to reach me.  And Google is right there at your fingertips as well...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Love Love

If you know me, don't read into this... I just wanted to get a post in and this quote has been in my queue for a while now.. I do think it is pretty much on point though!

"We all have the potential to fall in love a thousand times in our lifetime. It's easy. The first girl I ever loved was someone I knew in sixth grade. Her name was Missy; we talked about horses. The last girl I love will be someone I haven't even met yet, probably. They all count. But there are certain people you love who do something else; they define how you classify what love is supposed to feel like. These are the most important people in your life, and you'll meet maybe four or five of these people over the span of 80 years. But there's still one more tier to all this; there is always one person who you love who becomes that definition. It usually happens retrospectively, but it always happens eventually. This is the person who unknowingly sets the template for what you will always love about other people, even if some of those lovable qualities are self-destructive and unreasonable. The person who defines your understanding of love is not inherently different than anyone else, and they're often just the person you happen to meet the first time you really, really want to love someone. But that person still wins. They win, and you lose. Because for the rest of your life, they will control how you feel about everyone else.“ --Chuck Klosterman, Killing Yourself to Live

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hands Across America

I don't why I was thinking about this (well actually I do, but its not really relevant) but, I just wonder how easy it would be to truly do a Hands Across America.  I remember years back this was a thing, but with today's technology I have to believe it would be just so easy to accomplish. 

We already see on facebook people promoting "turn your lights off at this exact time to support save the earth" and "don't fill your gas tank on this day" (which doesn't make much sense to me by the way), etc.  How hard would it be to spread the word and have millions of people line up across the nation?  Send out one mass Tweet/facebook message/text and have millions of people head to certain designated highways and just line up.  You could of course make it for some cause and have people collect money from each person (imagine just a dollar a person)...

I wonder, could we get people on boats to line up and create a global chain?  Would the world stop fighting for a few minutes to join in?

Anyway, that's my random thought of the day...

Friday, March 18, 2011

For the Ladies: Setting Up Friends

Last night the issue of setting up friends became a topic of importance.  Now, for guys, setting up friends is relatively straight forward.  "Dude, I think she likes you" or "Take a shot"...  BUT, for ladies (as with everything) it's a whole nother situation.  With ladies it's not straight forward.  It's about the games. 

If a girl is trying to set a guy up with her good female friend she inevitably promises to "talk you up" and make a good impression for the guy.  But, this is the kiss of death.  Girls (like guys) like what they can't have.. or at least like the chase (at least a little).  Talking up a guy to your female friend is like saying "yeah, he's totally into you and this is why you should like him back.".  It screams "he's desperate and you're single".  It makes both parties look less than awesome. 
Rather than that, here's some advice... The key is to talk up the girl.  Tell your female friend that she's awesome.  That she's worthy.  That maybe she has the chance.  This makes that female friend think the guy is a catch without actually saying it.  It also allows the guy to make the REAL first move - allowing for the "thrill of the chase" and even more importantly it doesn't leave either feeling like it was a set-up...

*I know some of you are agreeing with me and yet others (who know I'm right - or eventually will) are questioning my expertise.  Well, here it is... I'm that guy.  Or rather, I've been that guy.  I've been in the friend zone.. WAY too often.  But, it has allowed me to see the inner workings.  I know what I know.. and what I know is legit.  (Still, I'm totally open to your feedback -positive or negative)

** And of course, I admit this is GENERALLY speaking... (as is everything I post on this blog.)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Random Thought of the Day

Do you ever wonder what people from your past say about you?  When the fiance of your best friend from grade school (who you haven’t talked to in years and years) sees a picture and asks ‘who is this’ does he/she say “one of my best friends growing up” or are you just reduced to “a kid I knew in high school”. 

What do you say about him/her? 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Friends with Talent - Music (part 2)

It's been a while since I've used this forum to promote my many friends with talent, but honestly, that's one of my favorite things to do.  What better way to use social media than to share with the world how awesome you (duh!) and the people you choose to surround yourself with, are?  I mean, seriously!

So today I introduce you to Max Gruby...

If you like what you hear drop some feedback here.  Or subscribe to his channel on YouTube.  If you know anyone in the biz or want to hire him for gigs, etc. let me know and I can put you in touch!  (My contact information is on the side bar to the right.)

While you're here, be sure to check out my previous "Friends with Talent" posts.  Same deal.  If you like what they're doing leave some feedback!

And of course, if you've got a talent or something you want me to promote feel free to reach out.  I make no promises, but I'm definitely open!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Recently goals have become a big part of my life.  With so much going on it's becoming too easy to let things go.  The gym, my writing, this blog. 

The only way I know to stay on top of things is to create goals.  To give myself something to shoot for.  Still, I have learned (through experience and even classes - management classes in particular) there are some rules to create meaningful goals.  Below are a few of these rules:

1) Goals must have deadlines.  A goal cannot serve to motivate you if there is no timeframe in which it must be attained.  The goal date should also be visual.  By that I mean it should be fairly short-term.  Think about the difference between a goal you have to hit in 3 weeks and one you have to hit in 3 years.  Which is going to get you more motivated?

2) Goals must be narrow.  Don't go to the gym "to get bigger"..  Go to the gym "to bench press XXX amount of weight".  Don't say "I want to post more in my blog", say "I want to post 15 times this month"..  See the difference?

3) Maybe most importantly, goals must be attainable.  Don't set a goal of "bench pressing 200 lbs in 3 weeks" if you're starting at 90 lbs.  You'll get discouraged by your lack of progress and give up before you ever started..

4) When you hit a goal, create a new one.  Don't settle. 

Go out and set some goals.  Follow the above rules.  Then report back.  Did you hit the goal? 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Gift's Rules to Live By

I don't have a child.  I don't have one on the way.  But, here are some rules I try to live by and some things I definitely plan to pass along to any male heirs (or nephews).

Note: I put this together over night.  It is obviously a work in progress and it's sure to change.  I will try to keep you all updated.  Suggestions completely welcome!
Note 2: I'm a guy.  This list is shifted towards boys/men.  If any of my females readers would like to submit their own version, I'd be glad to post it!

In reverse order:

20) Always open and hold doors for women. Chivalry really does never go out of style.

19)  Use your turn signal, damn it.

18) Spacing. The key to driving is good spacing.

17) Clothes don't make the man... but they sure help with first impressions.

16)  Never throw the first punch… But always throw the last! Unless someone of authority is coming. Then play innocent.

15)  Work hard, Play harder.

14)  Learn to cook. You’ll never go hungry and you might just impress a girl or 2.

13)  Your family are the people you love. The people you care about. The people that care about you. Sometimes that has nothing to do with blood.

12)  Gifts are not just for special occasions. Neither are kind words.

11)  Respect not fear.

10)  Make it count… whatever you do go all in or don’t bother…

9)  Friendships are 2-way streets.

8)  Quality over quantity when it comes to friends.

7)  You'll make millions of memories in your life... let the bad ones go.

6)  Make mistakes. Make lots of mistakes. Learn from them.

5)  Regrets are natural. Letting them define you is not.

4)  Never lie to yourself.

3)  Don’t put the “P” on a pedestal. But worship the woman to whom it belongs!  (this is unisex, by the way.)

2)  If you ever feel alone or that no one in the world can understand what you’re going through, turn on the radio. There’s someone singing about it right now.

1)  Religion is choice... being a good person is not!

* I'm not going to lie and say I fully live by these "rules", but I try.  And at the end of the day I'm pretty proud of the man I've become!  A huge thank you to all those who've helped me understand and helped make me who I am.. Noteably my parents and one Ryan L. (my personal positivity coach).

Monday, February 14, 2011

1001 Rules for My Unborn Son

This blog recently came to my attention and it's pretty good...  More importantly though, it's pretty inspiring. 

I don't agree with everything on here obviously so I've been working on a list of my own.  It likely won't have 1001 things (more like 20), but I'll get that up as soon as possible.

In the mean time you know I always give credit where it's due, so before I throw out my list I wanted to give you the "original" (I'm sure this isn't the first list of it's kind, but it's the one that inspired me).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I don't want to sound like an asshole here (if not here, then where?), but can't we (as a society) work on our fundamentals of the English language?

I really don't mean to sound harsh, but I've tried typing this several times and each time I read it I feel like I'm just taking cheap shots.  This is certainly not the intent.  Still, this must be said....

In the winter, there is no such thing as "unseasonably cold" weather.  This is exactly the season for cold weather.  There is no season where you would or could expect colder weather.  If you're trying to make the point that it's unusually cold, go ahead and say that..  No, you wouldn't expect the South to see temperatures in the 20's even in the winter.. and that's totally fair to say.. but still, there is no season colder than winter so if you were to get 20 degree temperatures this is exactly the right season. 

Some other adverbs you can use are:  unnecessarily, unreasonably, and ridiculously.... you get the point.

*Disclaimer:  I admit I am a bit critical here because I see what social media and texting are doing to the language and I fear for the day my niece writes "nite" instead of "night" on a school paper..

Monday, February 7, 2011


I want to take some time today to clarify something... This concept of "leagues".  I don't know how to define leagues in a simple way, but I'm not talking about baseball leagues or organizations, etc.  I'm talking about "she's out of my league" leagues.. 

From our informative/school children days we are taught that there are jocks/cheerleaders and geeks/nerds.  And we are taught that they can't possibly coincide peacefully.  I know people believe in this concept of leagues. I know there are movies and television shows and books that emphasize these leagues... I know that in high school there is some realism behind this concept - when "cool" is the only thing that matters...

Truth is, however, after high school they just simply don't exist... 

Just think about it... if 1 person in that so-called upper echelon league is willing to "slum it", then there can be no such thing as leagues... If you approach all girls (or guys) as if they are that one exception - that one who is willing to 'settle' then you've already conquered the first step.  Eliminating this imaginary barrier. 
In fact, How I Met Your Mother (one of the best shows on TV) clearly demonstrates that in each relationship (I'll accept that this may be an over-generalization) there is always one "reacher" and one "settler".. This too illustrates my point... there are no leagues...

Sure they're are going to be some people just not interested, and maybe it is because they are too good for you (let's face it, leagues or not, some people just suck).. but more likely it's because you project this 'less-than-worthy' image out into the world.. and they conversely have no lack for self-esteem. 

Now that you hopefully understand there are no leagues (and that anyone is within your reach), all you have to do is gather some self-esteem and allow yourself to realize you are not someone to be settled for!

Addendum:  I was just asked a very good question..

"Is being in a settler/reacher relationship healthy? I wouldn't want to be in a relationship where I feel like the other person settled for me or that I felt that I had to settle."

I respond to this as such:  "The key is if the two people in the relationship know that they are settling.. In practice there is only a settler/reacher in the eyes of everyone else... When you're with the right person you'll both feel like you're reaching.. cause you'll both feel like the other is amazing..
It's only your friends that will look at the 2 of you and see that she's too good for you, or you chose a loser, etc.."
I hope this helps to clarify things.  Keep the questions/feedback coming!