Friday, October 9, 2015

Our Political System Sucks.. And here's why. 1 Man's Opinion.

I'm not a political pundit and I'm certainly no constitutional scholar, but here's what I think is the biggest flaw of our founding fathers- and their lack of foresight into what this country would become. They said (paraphrasing) that our government should be made up of representatives of the citizens (no taxation without representation and all). But, here's the thing. As a whole we're a society of selfish, greedy idiots. We don't need representatives of the common person. We need people better than the average. People who aren't running for political office, for ego, or money or power. People who know the difference between right and wrong and aren't interested in pandering to the lowest common denominator (lobbyists are tops of the crap pile). We need people who actually want to make the United States and the world a better place. Government should not be a place to appease the masses, but to better them.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Pro-Life and Republicans

Before I write this post, I want to be clear, I'm not "pro-abortion" of course and I'm not even "anti-pro-life" though I am admittedly very squarely in the pro-choice category.  That said, this post is about the relationship between Pro-Lifers and Republicans.

While not all Pro-Lifers are Republicans (I'm guessing, though all anecdotal evidence shows otherwise) there is an odd dichotomy here.

Of course Planned Parenthood has been a major source of debate over the last few weeks/years, and while the videos have been proven to be highly edited and misleading the organization is still under attack by the Republican party and Pro-Lifers alike.

But, here's the thing.  Do Pro-Lifers realize that IF abortion was to be criminalized across the US that a majority of those 300,000+ babies born would end up in the adoption system?

Do Pro-Lifers realize that beyond their Pro-Life stance the Republican party is also against taxes (at least on the wealthy) and so-called "hand-outs"?

What do Pro-Lifers think will happen to these 300,000+ babies (EACH YEAR) that end up in the U.S. adoption system?

If they think taxes are high now...

If they think welfare is a drain....

Just wait until there are 300,000 more babies every year burning through diapers and formula and clothes and housing and schooling on the government's (and thus taxpayer's) dime.

So, Pro-Lifers, are you ready to go Democrat?

Monday, August 3, 2015

I'm back-ish

Hello again. It's been a long time..

I guess I should forewarn my readers (if there are any left) but with the state of the world these days I feel obligated to speak up. I can't really do so on social media under my real name for various reasons (though my identify is certainly no secret) so I'm going to use this forum I created a while ago.

My biases will become pretty evident, but I will try to stay factual as opposed to opinion based whenever I can.

First up - this story:

Louisiana Governor and Presidential hopeful (I hope not) Bobby Jindal believes Mayors of "Sanctuary Cities" should be held as accomplices for crimes of undocumented immigrants..

You can read the article, but I'll just ask this simple question: Shouldn't then Governors also be held culpable in States that don't issue same-sex marriage licenses after mandated by the federal government?