Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy People

No one has ever accused me of being one of these so-called "Happy People", but I'm trying...

For all 3 people that still read this, don't worry, this blog won't turn into one of "those", but I thought this was a pretty good read.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The BS Report

Well, it's been a long time since I've blogged.  So long in fact that Blogger went ahead and changed the whole blogging process.... My bad!  Sorry that I've slacked.  But, school is all but officially over and I'll get at least some of my life back...

I know I've talked about this one before, but this article and situation really fires me up.

I have no problem with the Minnesota Vikings, but why are citizens forced to pay for private stadiums??  Seriously.  Further, what does this have to do with cutting taxes on businesses?  "Republican leaders also have said they don't want to pass a stadium bill unless they can reach a larger deal with Dayton that includes tax cuts for businesses."

All around this is a sham. 

The NFL is a money making machine and NFL owners set ticket prices at exorbiteantly high rates.  They can easily afford their own stadiums. 

If I can't get tax money to pay for rent on my business why should an NFL owner??

Since I've been out of touch for a while I'll also add this related, but different note...

How is it that Ticketmaster is not a monopoly?  I tried to buy tickets for a show and the ticket price was $54.  For 2 tickets that should be $108.  Somehow after a "convenience fee" the price was $133.  Then Ticketmaster has the gal to try to charge me a "processing fee" off $5.50 on top of that.  What the hell???  Ticketmaster thought they deserved over a third of the total costs?!?!  For what exactly?  That didn't even include shipping cause of course I could just print my tickets...
And of course you can't just buy tickets from the venue online because they always direct you to Ticketmaster....
I call BS on the whole thing.