Monday, February 13, 2012

100 (or 50+) Rules to Live By #3

-Don't be the embarrassing "old guy" inappropriately hitting on college girls at the bar.

-If you're going to be labelled make sure it's positive.

-Everyone is someone's role model.  Own it.

-Cigarettes don't make you look cool.  They make you look ignorant.  (Did you know that cigarettes are bad for you AND those around you?)

-Always try things.  But never "just fitting in".

-The ultimate is dying with a smile on your face.  Since you can't know when that time will come make smiling a habit.

-Love means putting yourself second.  If that other person also puts you second rethink your stance.

-Turn off your TV, Facebook, and Twitter for a week.  See what you can do.  And don't worry, you've got DVR.

-Stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to expand it.

-Reconnect with that old friend you still think about every now and then.

Friday, February 10, 2012

100 (or 50+) Rules to Live By #2

-You've spent a lifetime building a network.  Use it.

-He/She may be your best friend, but he/she is still not a mind reader.

-Don't be a douche.

-Don't live beyond your means.

-No one is out of your league.  Act accordingly.

-Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

-"So I just try, fail and try and try again.  Cause someday I swear I'm gonna get it, Cause I'm convinced giving in is the worst thing there is." - Straylight Run

-"Just so I can say I did it" is not a reason to do something.  “For the Story” (FTS) might be.

-Don't settle.

-"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened…or you can just leave the pieces of the floor and move the fuck on." -Tupac Shakur

-Help others… Don’t be used by them.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

100 (or 50+) Rules to Live By

Previously I wrote some Rules To Live By.  It was inspired by another blog I read but my list was created pretty quickly.  Recently (probably inspired by the New Year) a lot of these lists have come to my attention.  Though many are good, I figured I'd take another shot.  And let's be honest, I have no idea who reads this blog, so this is really more for me than you.

A few notes:

1 - I'm doing this list in chunks.  1 so it looks like I'm posting more often and 2 because I want you to digest it.
2 - I couldn't come up with 100 "rules" without them starting to become just silly.  I hope you will submit yours to me and I can round out the list with those provided by my readers (all credit given to the submitter).
3 - I'm not going to pretend I do everything on this list, but this if I was the ideal version of myself, I would follow every one of these "rules"... in 2012 I'm going to try to follow them more closely.
4 - I tried to put this list in some "from most important to least important" order, but that didn't really seem feasible.  Feel free to create an order out of these and let me know.
5 - I apologize if there is a tilt towards the male centricity.  I am who I am and my perspective is thus. If my female readers wish to add their perspective please see note #6!
6 - Feedback and your additions are encouraged.. good or bad.

-See the world.

-Show your commitment to your country once every four years.  Vote.

-I don't know if laughter is an emotion, but no matter how bad my mood or how sad I feel, laughter is the easiest way to break out of the funk.  Find your laughter.

-Throughout your life you'll take steps backwards.  With diets, friends, family, jobs, whatever.  Make sure you rebound with 2 steps forward.  Whatever it takes.


-Don't just think about it. Do it. 

-Whatever was the first thought you just had, GO!  Finish this list later.

-Be spontaneous.  Even if it's scary.

-"Serious" is a great place to visit, but it's no way to live.

-Speak up.