Thursday, August 25, 2011

Church and State

Please note that I have no biases against any religion.  I will openly admit that I don't agree with organized religion, but my belief in G-d really depends on the day.

I wanted to make sure that is documented before I get into this post. 

I currently live in the South... Borderline "Bible Belt" territory.  Recently there has been news about prayers in school - specifically about public schools using the PA systems for pre-game prayers at football games.  I wanted to take a minute to make something very clear.  The separation of Church and State is one of the fundamental ideals of our constitution and society.  Unless every child in said school is of the same religious background (or pays to go to a private school knowing full well that the school has prayers) this is not even a debate.  There should be NO school prayers.  No child should be forcefully alienated by principles, teachers, coaches, parents or other students for any reason - particularly religion.  On the news today I saw a lady explain how forcing the school to stop public prayers was limiting the right of religious freedom.  On the contrary the prayers are forcing religion on others.  No one is saying students and parents can't pray before games.  They are simply saying that it should not be a school function or forced upon anyone else. 

On a similar note do you know how you can tell when you've entered the "Bible Belt"?  When the ludicrous number of churches is only rivaled by the ridiculous number of "adult" stores.  Really I know this might come off as funny or condescending, but it's completely true.  And just kind of sad!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quick Note

Obviously the Financial "Crisis" has been the major topic on the news and around the world.  I don't have the time or patience to go into this too much right now, but here's just a quick note.

-If you want to help the economy then stop buying stuff online.  Go into the stores.  Sure it might cost a little more and maybe it's slightly less convenient, but it also keeps people employed.  Keep this in mind: as we become more technologically advanced humans become less valuable.  I don't believe robots will take over the world, but they'll put us all out of business.. and when that happens I don't want to speculate what will happen to society.