Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Everything

The "Occupy Wall Street" movement has spread... Several states and major cities have taken to the cause.  Problem is, most have no idea what this cause is and almost everyone has their own agenda.  I've heard reasons for the movement ranging from "the top 1% need to pay their share" to "I need my student loans forgiven" to "hey, everyone else is doing it".

I am amongst the first to criticize the government.  If you read this blog, you know that.  However, when doing so there must be some sensibilities taken into account.  Can a government simply "forgive" student loan debt?  For many reasons this is infeasible. So to ask demeans the more reasonable "requests".. And, regardless, this is such a myopic issue... as is the concept that the top 1% need to "pay their share."

Again, I have my issues with the government and I'm all in favor of getting on a soapbox (see this blog), but what is this movement saying?  What's the true message you're trying to get across?  What's the end goal?  And please, please, please don't tell me "we want to be heard" or "we want to let the government know we're not happy"... You have your forum.. what do you want the government to hear?  What are you not happy about (be specific and for the love of god prioritize!)?