Friday, September 25, 2015

Pro-Life and Republicans

Before I write this post, I want to be clear, I'm not "pro-abortion" of course and I'm not even "anti-pro-life" though I am admittedly very squarely in the pro-choice category.  That said, this post is about the relationship between Pro-Lifers and Republicans.

While not all Pro-Lifers are Republicans (I'm guessing, though all anecdotal evidence shows otherwise) there is an odd dichotomy here.

Of course Planned Parenthood has been a major source of debate over the last few weeks/years, and while the videos have been proven to be highly edited and misleading the organization is still under attack by the Republican party and Pro-Lifers alike.

But, here's the thing.  Do Pro-Lifers realize that IF abortion was to be criminalized across the US that a majority of those 300,000+ babies born would end up in the adoption system?

Do Pro-Lifers realize that beyond their Pro-Life stance the Republican party is also against taxes (at least on the wealthy) and so-called "hand-outs"?

What do Pro-Lifers think will happen to these 300,000+ babies (EACH YEAR) that end up in the U.S. adoption system?

If they think taxes are high now...

If they think welfare is a drain....

Just wait until there are 300,000 more babies every year burning through diapers and formula and clothes and housing and schooling on the government's (and thus taxpayer's) dime.

So, Pro-Lifers, are you ready to go Democrat?