Monday, February 7, 2011


I want to take some time today to clarify something... This concept of "leagues".  I don't know how to define leagues in a simple way, but I'm not talking about baseball leagues or organizations, etc.  I'm talking about "she's out of my league" leagues.. 

From our informative/school children days we are taught that there are jocks/cheerleaders and geeks/nerds.  And we are taught that they can't possibly coincide peacefully.  I know people believe in this concept of leagues. I know there are movies and television shows and books that emphasize these leagues... I know that in high school there is some realism behind this concept - when "cool" is the only thing that matters...

Truth is, however, after high school they just simply don't exist... 

Just think about it... if 1 person in that so-called upper echelon league is willing to "slum it", then there can be no such thing as leagues... If you approach all girls (or guys) as if they are that one exception - that one who is willing to 'settle' then you've already conquered the first step.  Eliminating this imaginary barrier. 
In fact, How I Met Your Mother (one of the best shows on TV) clearly demonstrates that in each relationship (I'll accept that this may be an over-generalization) there is always one "reacher" and one "settler".. This too illustrates my point... there are no leagues...

Sure they're are going to be some people just not interested, and maybe it is because they are too good for you (let's face it, leagues or not, some people just suck).. but more likely it's because you project this 'less-than-worthy' image out into the world.. and they conversely have no lack for self-esteem. 

Now that you hopefully understand there are no leagues (and that anyone is within your reach), all you have to do is gather some self-esteem and allow yourself to realize you are not someone to be settled for!

Addendum:  I was just asked a very good question..

"Is being in a settler/reacher relationship healthy? I wouldn't want to be in a relationship where I feel like the other person settled for me or that I felt that I had to settle."

I respond to this as such:  "The key is if the two people in the relationship know that they are settling.. In practice there is only a settler/reacher in the eyes of everyone else... When you're with the right person you'll both feel like you're reaching.. cause you'll both feel like the other is amazing..
It's only your friends that will look at the 2 of you and see that she's too good for you, or you chose a loser, etc.."
I hope this helps to clarify things.  Keep the questions/feedback coming!

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