Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I don't want to sound like an asshole here (if not here, then where?), but can't we (as a society) work on our fundamentals of the English language?

I really don't mean to sound harsh, but I've tried typing this several times and each time I read it I feel like I'm just taking cheap shots.  This is certainly not the intent.  Still, this must be said....

In the winter, there is no such thing as "unseasonably cold" weather.  This is exactly the season for cold weather.  There is no season where you would or could expect colder weather.  If you're trying to make the point that it's unusually cold, go ahead and say that..  No, you wouldn't expect the South to see temperatures in the 20's even in the winter.. and that's totally fair to say.. but still, there is no season colder than winter so if you were to get 20 degree temperatures this is exactly the right season. 

Some other adverbs you can use are:  unnecessarily, unreasonably, and ridiculously.... you get the point.

*Disclaimer:  I admit I am a bit critical here because I see what social media and texting are doing to the language and I fear for the day my niece writes "nite" instead of "night" on a school paper..


  1. Yo, dis post is da bom! But y u b h8ing? haha lolz i used to rite nite b4 but now it's nyte. haha hellz yeah!

  2. Actually, what would be wrong with riting nite instead of night.....what the heck is the "g" for?
