Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What? So What? Now What?

We had a guest speaker in class the other day.. We have them all the time and let's be honest.. Usually they don't do much for my personal or professional growth.  It's great that they take the time to speak to us, but with no real goals for their talk it usually amounts to a 2 hour autobiography or a diatribe about their company.  But every once in a while I walk away a little better off. 

A few months ago I learned about P.I.E.  (Performance, Image, Exposure).  Though not ground breaking insight it was interesting to hear it put so succintly and powerfully.

Here are the three P.I.E. elements weighted by importance:

Performance = 10%
Image = 30%
Exposure = 60%

If you're interested in learning more I just Googled it and this was one of the first sites to pop-up.

But, this post is not about that.  Honestly on its own that wasn't blog worthy.  Rather, this post is about "What?  So What?  Now What?"

If you Google this term you'll get all types of different studies, uses, etc.  But I want to run with it the way I heard (even if I didn't hear it as it was told, but as I wanted to) it..

Though obviously we were talking about business, I found this a really great concept in general.  Something that can be applied to everything (or almost everything)...

These 3 questions put together can really give perspective.

What? - What is the goal?  What is the want?  The need? 
So What? - What if you get the goal?  The want?  The need?  Does anything really change?  Was that what you were really searching for?  Was it just a step towards another what?
Now What? - You've got it.  Can you handle it?  Is it enough?  Does it do what it was intended to do?

In business terms I think it's fairly simple.  In life though, maybe not?

Let's look at buying a fancy new car (perhaps a Mustang!)..

What? - Buying a Mustang.
So What? - Does it make you happy?  Do the ladies love it like you thought they would? 
Now What? - Can you afford gas on your 19mpg car?  The car insurance?  The repairs?

I know this is simplistic, but this is only a blog and I know if I ramble too long you'll probably just get bored and go onto the next website on your list.  (Some of you probably already have! ha).  Think about it though.  If you've got questions or thoughts, you know how to reach me.  And Google is right there at your fingertips as well...

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