Monday, March 28, 2011

Hands Across America

I don't why I was thinking about this (well actually I do, but its not really relevant) but, I just wonder how easy it would be to truly do a Hands Across America.  I remember years back this was a thing, but with today's technology I have to believe it would be just so easy to accomplish. 

We already see on facebook people promoting "turn your lights off at this exact time to support save the earth" and "don't fill your gas tank on this day" (which doesn't make much sense to me by the way), etc.  How hard would it be to spread the word and have millions of people line up across the nation?  Send out one mass Tweet/facebook message/text and have millions of people head to certain designated highways and just line up.  You could of course make it for some cause and have people collect money from each person (imagine just a dollar a person)...

I wonder, could we get people on boats to line up and create a global chain?  Would the world stop fighting for a few minutes to join in?

Anyway, that's my random thought of the day...


  1. Just be sure to pack some hand sanitizer on that day. We don't want "Flu across America". I've always wondered if there are in fact enough people to do hands across America. How much travel would some people have to do to distribute hands in the less populous portions of the nation? Maybe FedEx could help out with those logistic concerns.

  2. Hands across America, sure. Hands across the ocean. I think not. That pond is huge!

    Anyway, your post point out why hands across America isn't worth it. Turning off lights for an hour educates AND serves a purpose. (Less energy used). Holding hands doesn't serve a purpose.

    The floss had a pretty good article about it last month:

  3. Jeff - well played sir!

    John - in the words of Queen Latifah (I think)..
    "U.N.I.T.Y."... that's the point.. or any other cause that just wants people to take note.

    I do like the turning off lights thing, but this gas thing doesn't make any sense. 1) whether you don't get gas on that specific day you'll still need it the next. 2) the gas stations are not the problem. Most are franchised and run by people who have no control over the cost of gas or the speculators that determine prices. They have to buy gas from the supplier and then make pennies on the gallon... Gas stations (like most franchises) are not that lucrative (unless you own several)... this "don't fill up on X day" does nothing to effect the bottom line of the OPEC players..
