Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Party Poopers

I hate talking politics.  Mostly because I'm not as educated in this particular field as I probably should be (the naunces bore me), but also because political parties and leanings make no damn sense.  Why does being a Republican mean that you have to be for limiting government AND anti-abortion?  Why does being a Democrat mean you have to be for taxing the rich AND national healthcare?  These 2 set parties with their set ideals artificially create political robots and do-nothing governments.  And it just annoys me to no end.  Even Obama and his "Change" campaign hasn't really changed anything.  

Anyway, now that I've told you why I hate talking politics (which in summary is because I hate politics!), let me go ahead and talk politics...

How the hell do governments just shut down?  Governments who continue to collect taxes while they take what amounts to a vacation - somehow I doubt that come April taxes will be prorated for these "days off".  And how do governments justify closing public zoos, parks and libraries during a major National Holiday?  A time when the zoo probably brings in it's highest yearly revenue?  How is this nonsense allowed to happen?  Because the 2 parties and their petty differences can't unite on a budget?  Here's an idea.  Focus on the important stuff (and maybe the revenue generating stuff - like the zoo on a holiday weekend) and stop being just a punchline...



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