Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ice Breaker

As you attend all of the holiday parties this weekend and through new years you’ll hopefully have the chance to meet new people. For some, conversation doesn’t come so easily and it can be awkward trying to figure out how to initiate. There will be times when someone introduces you to their 3rd cousin and after exchanging pleasantries you’ll just kind of stare at each and hope for some divine intervention. I’m not God, but maybe I can help.

Below are some easy conversation starters.

- If you were on a deserted island, what 3 albums would you bring along?
- Law and Order SVU or Criminal Intent?
- Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera or Jessica Simpson? Then or now? - the discussion may be different, but this is not surprisingly a unisex question.
- PTI or Around the Horn? - This is probably more for the men.
- What’s your favorite celebrity gossip site? – This is probably more for the ladies.
- Which do you put on first? Your pants or socks?
- Wipe sitting or standing?

Ok, all of these suggestions are kind of a joke, but any if nothing else pops in your head, go for it.

Anyone have other suggestions for topics of conversation?

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly what socially inept people like me need for the holiday season. Thank you The Gift!! I would also suggest wearing an eye catching sweater or fancy pants to help start conversations. And, having a full pez dispenser is always helpful for those awkward moments.

