Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Place Or Yours

In speaking with some friends the other night, an interesting topic was brought up:  which is safer for a lady - to go to the guys place or to invite him to hers?

Now, obviously prevailing logic is that until you know the other person and feel comfortable you meet at a neutral location and make sure the guy isn't a psycho and the girl isn't crazier than average (all girls are crazy to some extent - and even the ladies who read this blog will admit that).  However, what about when that date goes really well and a nightcap is in order?  Or you just want to get together and watch a movie on the couch? 

As a guy, I've never had to worry about this, so the discussion kind of caught my attention.  Obviously for the girl, her place is a 'home-field' of sorts and there is an air of comfort and security, while the guys place is unknown and who's to say what lies beyond the front door.  On the other hand, it's much easier to run away rather than to push someone (presumably stronger) out of your front door. 

Ladies, any thoughts?  I am not trying to scare anyone and I haven't heard of any nightmare scenarios, but it was just an interesting topic that led me to think about it further and thus blog about it. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm a dude, so maybe my opinion doesn't count, but in my dating experience it has been 50/50 even, whether we went to "my place" or "hers." (The location didn't affect the result either, that was also 50/50...)
