Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Have you guys seen the commercials for this KGB service?  Basically you text any question you have and they text back the answer.  I think it costs $0.99 per answer or something.

The commercials indicate that you can ask anything and they'll get you an answer.  Well, I'm not gonna waste $0.99 to find out (I'm unemployed afterall), but if I texted them for the name, phone number, and marital status of that cute redhead on their commercials, would they be obligated to provide the information?

What if you ask a question they can't answer?  Is there a 'stump KGB' monetary prize?  Do they have any type of hypocratic oath so questions remain confidential (if they do, I'm sure it's not legally binding)?  Are there inappropriate questions they just won't answer?  Does this 'service' stand a chance of success in this smart-phone age?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Why would i pay 0.99 for an answer when i can google it on my phone. Google is probably faster too.

    and the redhead is hot
