Thursday, March 18, 2010

6 Pack of Questions

OK, maybe that subject line is a little misleading, but puns are easy, and I like easy.. I really only have 1 main question:  Why is beer sold in units of six (6-packs, 12 packs, cases of 24 bottles or 30 cans)?

Is this because the average person drinks 6 beers per sitting?  Or is that how it used to be in the past at least?  What would the average persons BAC be after 6 beers?  (I am sure I can google search that one, but that would really nullify my dramatics here).  Would the cheap cardboard container not hold the weight if increased to hold 8 beers?  If a company came out with a 4-pack would the average male consumer feel emasculated only buying a measley 4 beers?  Would they be inclined to buy 2 of these 4-packs and thus spend more money? 

I understand that at this point 6-packs are the norm and it would virtually be brewery suicide to go away from that, but I want to know why this is the norm?  Who decided on the 6-pack?  I mean, at least with hotdogs an 8 pack makes some sense - with households averaging 4 members that's an even division of 2 dogs per person..


  1. Higher end beers do come in 4-packs

  2. Hello Anonymous,

    By higher end beers do you mean the Guinness' and Boddingtons of the world? These are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. I think that's because of the particular style of beer (thickness and body and the fact they fill you up). Maybe it's also 'cause they're English style beers and the English are crazy..

    *note, I am no beer officianado or snob.. I can be pretty content with a Milwaukee's Best or a PBR pounder.

  3. Orval
    Saison Dupont

    and the best for last...

    Delerium Tremens

    to name just a few...
