Thursday, January 14, 2010

For the Ladies - Make It Happen

There's a saying I heard a while back that I don't totally remember and that I can't find readily on Google.  BUT, the message was something to the effect of: 'love is when two people are completely content sitting in silence.'  In essence, it's when the silences are no longer awkward; when you can sit next to each other and not feel the need to force a conversation; when you don't need to impress your partner and you're not worried about what he/she is thinking. 

Unfortunately, there are a lot of dates before two people feel this comfortable, and in the mean-time there are inevitably going to be awkward silences.  Whether it's a first date or the first time meeting the parents, or the first 'morning after' there is no avoiding these 'what do I say, what do I do' moments. 

Luckily ladies, I'm here for you.

Sure, you could try to talk about sports or cars or any of the other generic and stereotypical things you think all guys are into, but I've got something better. 

A few days ago I posted a list of comedies.  Learn the quotes to any of these (or other major) movies.  Men live by movie and television quotes.  Whether inspirational or funny or just a tag-line, there is something about quotes that just get stuck in our brains.  How many times have you overheard a group of guys just going back and forth with movie quotes?  Or seen them posted as facebook statuses?  Quoting a movie opens the door to a return quote, a conversation about the movie, a discussion of the quotes meaning, or something else entirely.  If there is nothing else my blog has told you, the one thing you can take from it is that there is a quote for every purpose or every time.  And there are few things that have the ability to seemlessly break silences like a good movie quote.

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