Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saved - from the same old boring television

I grew up watching television. I don't understand people who say "I don't really watch TV". What are these people doing with their lives that I'm not?

Anyway, I consider myself close to an expert on most things television (and entertainment) related. So I feel confident when I say Rescue Me is one of, if not the, best show on television currently.

Each week I am amazed at how this show pushes the boundaries of decency and more often than not crosses them. And I, for one, love it.

If you haven't gotten into this show it's because you haven't watched it. I know how hard it can be to get into a new show, but this clip should give you all the incentive you need.

RESCUE ME on FX Network Tuesdays at 10 and 11pm.

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