Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pencil and Eraser

What if life was more like a pencil? I mean, we are already quite similar. Sometimes we are sharp and really at our peak. Other times we are dull and long to go back to the way things once were. Sometimes we get injured and can recover, like using the one side of a broken pencil. Sometimes we get discarded or forgotten about. Sometimes we are overlooked because something better comes along, like the pen. As with pencils, we shrink with age, and both our life and that of the pencil will be used up. One obvious difference worth mentioning is the eraser. I mean, a pencil can undo its mistakes, at least until it uses up its eraser. What if we could do that also? What if we had a limited amount of take-backs in life? Would our lives substantially change? Would we foolishly make more mistakes thinking we have a good comfort zone? Would we waste them on insignificant moments in our life that at the time seemed to be “life-ending” mistakes? Could the “eraser” really heal or prevent any of our actions, feelings, or lives? If we “learn from all our mistakes” wouldn’t erasing them leave us naïve? If we changed one mistake, wouldn’t the rest of our lives be completely different? How would we even know what a mistake is if we erased previous ones? Where is the learning curve? What if the mistake was you, and your parent’s conception of you was an accident? What if they “erased” you? The power to erase and change moments in our lives may seem, at first glance to be great, but is it? What would you erase if you could? How different would your whole life be? Would you have any regrets in the future?

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