Monday, February 15, 2010

Words I Love

As a 'writer' (yeah, I'm calling myself a writer, what about it?), I enjoy words. I don't mean it in the way a math geek dresses as a number for Halloween or the way an engineer has to take apart everything he owns just to put it back together. I'm not obsessive and I don't think about them when I lie in bed at night, but I like words.

While it's true tattoos and piercing are a form of expression there is nothing easier and sometimes harder than words to express oneself. 

Not to be cliche, but words can be more painful than piercings and more everlasting than tattoos. There may be nothing greater than having that person you love most in the world say "I love you" and there may be nothing more painful than having that same person tell you "it's over". 

Just to be clear, I fully believe that there are times when one is at a loss for words or there are just 'no words to describe...'  And I believe that words without context or emotion are meaningless..  But, that's not the point here.

What is the point you ask?  Well, basically I just needed a lead-in to this post..

Below are some words that I think are awesome (in no particular order).
  • Purgatory - Any condition or place of temporary punishment, suffering, expiation, or the like.  (A place I'll probably end up after my time on this earth is up..  There is something about this word that I like.  I have no idea why.)
  • Schenectady - A city in 'upstate' New York. (It's just fun to say.) 
  • Convoluted - Complicated; intricately involved: a convoluted way of describing a simple device.  (I feel like life is often all too convoluted and is enjoyed much more in its simplest form.)  
  • Succinct - Expressed in few words; concise; terse.  (One word that says 'get to the point'.)
  • Pride - A high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc. (This word says more with less than any other that I know.)
  • Awkward - Hard to deal with; difficult; requiring skill, tact, or the like: an awkward situation; an awkward customer. (Maybe my favorite word of all time.  It's aWkWard to say, and to spell.  It's a word that describe itself.)
* All definitions taken from

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