Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Friends with Talent - Writing

I like marketing.  I like sharing what I love with others.  I also like my friends. 

When my friends do cool things I want others to take note.  This is one of those times. 


Dave Symonds is a good friend of mine and a very talented writer (who focuses on children's books, poems, and the like).  This is his first published piece. 
You will be seeing Dave's work on here from time to time, but I also suspect you'll see it on bookshelves in Barnes and Noble in not to long. 

* If anyone has any publishing connections or tips please send them my way.

(This is my 100th post - are you all still enjoying?)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It's really good! Congrats Mr. Symonds
