Monday, April 5, 2010

Celebrity Affairs

I whole-heartedly disagree with cheating.  I think if it comes to the point where one is thinking about cheating it's time to have a talk with their partner and figure out why.  Are they just not having their sexual needs met or is there a deeper cause?  Is breaking up or getting a divorce the right thing to do?

Now that I've said my piece on cheating, here are my thoughts on the recent string of celebrity scandals..

People wonder why Bill Clinton or Tiger Woods or Jesse James cheat on their wives with these trashy, less-than-gorgeous women.. Honestly, it makes absolute sense to me. With these women the sex is probably just dirty and raw, but more importantly there is no risk of attachment. When you’re having sex with a girl you don’t respect there’s no fear of falling for her and you can have a no-strings attached affair.  If, on the other hand, these celebrities choose to cheat with 'good' girls, a) it's going to be a little harder cause they are less likely to put themselves in these positionos, but also b) there is always the risk of falling in love which will lead to much larger problems. 

Now, I will also say that Tiger, Bill, etc. owe me no apology.  I don't care what they do in their private lives.  That is for their wives and families to deal with.  Is Tiger a role-model?  Maybe.  But, not if the parents do their jobs.  Growing up sure I idolized athletes, but only for their athletic ability.  When I wanted guidance or someone to look up to, it was my parents and my brother who served as the real role-models.  Let's stop putting the onus on celebrities to raise our kids.  And in all of this, let's not forget to blame the media for sensationalizing these stories.  You want to blame Tiger Woods for setting a wrong example in his private life?  Well, maybe you should blame the media for making it public and not letting these 'stories' die.

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