Monday, April 12, 2010

Someone for Everyone

I'm a good looking guy and I've always been with good looking girls, so I don't know how this works... BUT...

How do ugly people get together?  Is there something in their brain that makes ugly people attracted to other ugly people?  or is it just that they have realistic expectations and take what they can get? or is it something else?

I am by no means saying ugly people can't find true love and I'm not even saying that sometimes really attractive people don't end up with less-than-attractive partners*.. But, even though beauty is subjective we all know there are certain cultural and accepted concepts of what is attractive.  There have been hundreds (if not more) studies done to determine what is 'sexy' (symmetrical features, strong jaw bones and cheek bones, etc..).  If there is a "consensus" about what is sexy, how come there is still "someone for everyone"?  Certainly not everyone is attractive.

*Ever notice how anytime a really hot girl is with an 'average' guy other guys will think "he's gay"?  That's not an insult, and it's definitely not meant as a slur towards homosexuals (which is politically correct? 'gay' or 'homosexual'??).  It's actually just something said to make the other guys rationalize how some hot girl can be with a guy just like them, but why that guy is NOT them.. "oh, he must be the gay best friend.  No way she would go out with a guy like that."  - It's the call of the insecure.

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