Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Economics 101

I don't claim to be an economist and honestly politics bore me to no end.  With that said, the current state of the economy affects all of us and maybe it's time to speak up.  I have a few questions/issues/ideas for those in power.  Over the next few days or weeks or months (or whenever I feel appropriate) I will raise some of these points.  Whether they make sense to you or not, maybe it will at least stimulate debate and discussion and in some small way, make a difference.  PLEASE comment and let me know if anything makes sense or if I'm the dumbest person alive or if you know anyone of influence who would like to sit down and talk.

Before I blow your mind with my genius, let's start on a small scale.

- If our taxes go towards the building of roads, why do we also have to pay to park on them?
- If our taxes go towards the building of bridges, why do we have to pay to use them?

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