Friday, January 20, 2012

For the Ladies: What You Can Learn From Kristen Stewart

I know it's been a while, but there was a time when I sorta, kinda, semi-regularly posted on something "for the ladies".  It's my way of taking my very male-centric attitude (hey, I am a guy after all) and contributing back to my female readers.  Today I'll rekindle that fire - for better or worse. 

To start, Kristen Stewart is the actress who stars in all those vampire movies (Twilight to be more exact), among others.  And now that you know who she is I'm imaging many of my readers with a confused look on their face and a question on their mind: what could I possibly learn from her.

First, let me tell you what I've learned about her and then I'll tell you what you can learn from her.  What I've learned about her is that she is a sex symbol.  Though from looks alone she would hardly seem to match up with some of the world's sexiest women, she still has obtained a certain level of sex appeal. (Of course this is all opinion, but one that seems fairly popular especially amongst the media.) The "why" is what you can learn from Kristen Stewart.

Why are men attracted to Kristen Stewart?  From my own observations I think it boils down to 1 thing - and oddly enough it actually does have to do with her acting.  That 1 thing is her expressions.  It's the way she portrays vulnerability, desire and need.  When she does her signature lip bite and plays the scared or naive or "damaged" female it sends out all the signals that men are genetically geared to attract towards.  I know it's a stereotype and I know that in the 21st century we should be past this, but the fact remains that men want to be needed.  This of course dates back to the beginning of time and still exists today - though admittedly less so. 

There's an old quote that says, "men cheat because they don't feel needed and women cheat because they don't feel loved".  (I wish I could cite this quote but unfortunately I can't remember where I heard it and a quick Google search hasn't provided the source.) Now of course this isn't always true and people cheat for tons of reasons, but I have found validity in this quote.  (I thought long and hard about providing a few "exhibits" from my own life, but, while I'm fairly unabashed and far from ashamed, I've rambled enough without going into the longer stories of my life...)

I guess the overall point here and the key takeaway is not that you, as a lady, should be anything but what you are, but rather understand that guys want to be "guys" (this is a generalization of course).  Telling them and showing them that you need them, that you want them, that they are special - these are things men want.. and hey, isn't it coincidental that it's pretty similar to what [you say] you want [though evidence also proves contrary]. 

Now, I know this post is going to illicit feelings either with or against me.  Speak up.  One way conversations get pretty boring.

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